welcome to the world of conscious parenting

come on in, the nurturing waters await…

hi. i’m jenna. your conscious parent coach.

take a deep breath.

it takes courage to ask for support. and you’re here for a reason.

we never got a manual for this parenthood thing!

(and no one ever said it would be this challenging or utterly exhausting)

i help mamas shed the overwhelm and chaos so they can parent with confidence and find balance and joy in their homes.

i utilize groundbreaking neuroscience based techniques to show you that you CAN be YOU, not the parent you think you 'should' be. we will co-construct what works for your family so you can guide your kids to manage feelings, understand themselves, be calmer and happier, and form balanced relationships.

i encourage my clients to give themselves permission to be fiercely authentic so you don’t ride the mom guilt shame spiral on the reg.

 i am here to offer you guidance, knowledge and support.

we are facing so much these days.

sensory input from the world around us is at an all-time high. our kids have more distractions (hello screens!) and diagnoses than ever.  

we as parents are often battling conditioning that leads us to move away from big emotions when they arise. so, when our children have big emotions we feel like we are pushed to the edge (or over it!) with their emotional needs. sometimes it leads us to automatic responses reflective of old parenting styles which means we are yelling, feeling disconnected and then ashamed of how we interacted with our kids and end up beating ourselves up about it.

  it can leave us  asking

➳ am I a terrible parent?

➳ am I screwing up my kids? 

➳ is it just me feeling stretched so thin?

has this happened to you? have you asked yourself these questions?

i'm passionate about helping parents heal their emotional body. triggers are your emotional body telling you that your past traumas are stored in your body. your being is calling out to you for your love and attention.

these triggers are not your fault. there is no shame for being triggered. when we enter into a triggered fight or flight state, it can be nearly impossible to control our impulse reactions. you know those reactions. the ones that lead to yelling and punishing or maybe it’s irritation and bribing, whichever you experience it seems to always end in shame and guilt. it's not fair to expect yourself to suppress what is coming up within you and act from a place of peace (and if you can i’m willing to bet it is still really hard).

what if i told you that you shouldn't have to power through and there actually is another way? what if i told you there are tools to help you navigate your triggers and move through them?

 our goal together is to guide you to parent WITH your child(ren).

to ride the waves of whatever is thrown your way WITH them.

not fix them or try to punish behaviors away.  

we can only do this when we can do it within ourselves first!

we didn’t choose our past wounds but we can choose how we respond in spite of them moving foward.


embodying regulation is a parenting SUPERPOWER.

i empower parents to let go of surviving and unlock the secrets to THRIVE!

the ones who know there is a way to change and grow but aren’t sure how.

we will work with your head, heart, hands and soul so that you can connect more deeply with your family and most importantly,


with more empathy, grace, compassion, patience, and overall awareness of self.

 so, if your kid is…

➳ throwing temper tantrums constantly, arguing, negotiating, and begging.

➳ fighting with siblings or being aggressive towards you.

➳ afraid to do anything by themselves- go to bed, school, or go into another room.

➳ causing chaos, refusing to do homework, go to bed, or get dressed.

and you are….

➳ constantly feel like you are putting out fires left and right.

➳ walking on eggshells at any public event or holiday in fear of a meltdown.

➳ scratching your head because once you figure something out a new thing arises.

➳ feeling too busy and overwhelmed to learn more about what you know in your heart works.

don’t spend any more time googling your child’s behavior.

don’t exhaust the internet any longer with endless searching about what to do.

 let me help.

let’s create a generation that is self-confident, who know their worth, and feel secure in who they are.

i’m here. i’ve got you. truly.

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